IsoAcoustics ISO-130 monitor stands will vastly improve your monitoring accuracy. Get tighter, more extended bass and more solid stereo imaging from your studio monitors, without investing in new monitors. How is this possible? Well, IsoAcoustics has designed the ISO-130 according to the PIF (Placement, Isolation, Focus) principles of acoustic design. The results are immediately noticeable and dramatic. Placed on ISO-130 speaker stands, decoupled from supporting surfaces, with minimized reflections from nearby surfaces, and properly focused; your existing monitors will amaze you with accuracy you didn't know they had. IsoAcoustics improved the ISO-130 over previous models with a sleek, lower-profile design and newly formulated isolators. IsoAcoustics ISO-130 monitor stands assist you in proper placement of your speakers according to accepted acoustic principles. Proximity to adjacent and nearby surfaces can create undesirable reflections, smearing your image and wreaking havoc on your monitors' frequency response. ISO-130 monitor stands raise your studio monitors above supporting surfaces and away from nearby surfaces to reduce reflections. The result is a better stereo image. IsoAcoustics ISO-130 monitor stands isolate your speakers from supporting surfaces. Why is this important? Decoupling your monitors from their supporting surfaces allows the monitor and its enclosure to float independently, reducing the energy created from exciting other objects. The benefit? Tighter, cleaner bass. Raising and tilting your studio monitors to form an equilateral triangle from the monitors to your head (with tweeters at exact ear level) creates an ideal nearfield monitoring environment. The IsoAcoustics ISO-130 monitor stands allow you to articulate your speakers into that position, giving your speakers pinpoint focus that will turn them into true monitors that tell you the truth about the signal you're feeding them! Lets you properly position and isolate your monitors for more